Plasencia Teases Sixto Toro, Year Of The Rabbit, & World Cup Collab If you're still not watching the Great Lakes Smoke Show, you're missing out on great…
From The Desk Of Dr. Gaby Kafie Over the past 2 years I have been working on a very special project. The…
Voting Packs For German Engineered Cigars’ New Experimental Lineup Now Available! At the end of June we reported on cigar brand German Engineered Cigars and the…
Let’s Get It Started! Lighting Up A Phenomenal Week For Cigar Heads Todays first industry update includes another CIGAR PUBLIC EXCLUSIVE. First, the Espinosa Cigars team just…
“Not The Ron” Rons On & Barclay Rex Quietly Flexes The Cigar Clown Army had long been waiting, no…wanting, to hear the news that the…
An Exploration of Principle x KBF’s Aviator Series: The Vainqueur The longer I have smoked cigars, the more I have grown in my desire to…
The Best Cigar Show Nobody’s Watching & Another Great Week For Boutique! The amount of cigars made, sold and smoked in any given year will fluctuate, but…
Illusione Cigars Announces Social Media Photo Contest Illusione's Book of Brands contains cigars that are counted among the industry's most respected boutique…