The flavors immediately burst out the gate with clarity and enthusiasm. The complexity is real…
The age-old debate of Cuban cigars versus their global counterparts continues to smolder among seasoned…
Watching Mr. Potter light a cigar for George Bailey in "It's a Wonderful Life" marked…
One of those sort of rustic but very appealing looking cigars, with an even roll,…
A very nice looking stick with a very even roll, medium pack, and an even…
Cigars have long been for me and countless others a means to reset, to relax,…
Not typically a lover of bigger ring gauges, so I went into this admittedly on…
A few nicks, blemishes and veins can be seen on both samples of this stick.…
It was a rainy late afternoon, work was done early for the day, and a…
Despite a few very noticeable veins, this dark and toothy stick looked very enticing. The…