This cigar impressed me with its flawless construction, which is a major factor in the new scoring system. It delivered balanced notes from start to finish, making it a satisfying smoke. I would love to try more cigars from this manufacturer.
This cigar offered a consistent cedar note throughout the smoke, along with a flawless construction that enhanced the enjoyment. It was not a very complex or dynamic cigar, but it had a well-balanced flavor profile. I highly recommend this cigar to anyone who likes cedar. I’m also curious to explore more cigars from this manufacturer.
This line features a blend that is based on 5-year-aged tobacco fillers grown in the regions of Jalapa, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. The wrapper is an Ecuadorian Habano Claro leaf, while the binder comes from the Dominican Republic. Pure Aroma Cigars, which produces the Flor de D’Crossier line, describes Lumina as being medium-plus in flavor and highlighted by a sweetened and floral tobacco flavor along with notes of cocoa and cedar.
This blend was created by Isaias Santana Diaz and Andres Leon, with the line produced at Tabacos de Costa Rica. As part of the production process, the cigars undergo a 120-day aging process in the factory’s aging rooms, and then another 120 days in Spanish cedar boxes. In 2023, each of these three sizes will be limited to a production run of only 250 boxes.
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano Claro Leaf / Binder: Dominican Republic / Filler: Jalapa, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic
Vitola: Hermoso #2 / Size: 6×48
Factory: Tabacos de Costa Rica / Country of Origin: Costa Rica
Coco, Barnyard
Pepper, Hay, Soil, Barnyard
Fresh Soil
White Pepper, Spices, Cedar, Zest and a Light Pretzel Note
Nutty thicker chewy flavor, Cedar, Zest and Spices
Nutty, Cedar, Zest, Pepper and Herbal notes