This cigar is constructed well. The foot read 68% on the CigarMedics Humidimeter. The balance between the tasting notes and how easy this cigar smoked was awesome. The notes themselves stayed consistent and I felt they just morphed into similar tasting notes but with slight variations as it went on burning. The smoke output was great, the burn line was great and I felt like every retrohale had power and oomph. Get this one if you can.
Don Pepin Garcia, a renowned master blender established his own brand, Don Pepin Garcia Cigars, after immigrating to the United States from Cuba in 2003. His expertise and meticulous craftsmanship have made a significant impact on the craft of cigars. Using traditional Cuban techniques and the finest Nicaraguan tobacco, the cigars made at his My Father Cigars S.A. in Nicaragua have gained a loyal following for their rich flavors. Don Pepin Garcia’s influence extends beyond his own portfolio, as he frequently collaborates with other brands. Pepin’s contributions have solidified his status as a respected and influential figure in the world of cigars.
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Maduro / Binder: Nicaraguan / Filler: Nicaraguan
Vitola: Generosos / Size: 6 x 50
Factory: My Father Cigars S.A. / Country: Nicaragua
Tobacco, musk
Chili powder, musky raisins
Faint woody note
Black pepper, macadamia nuts, buttery nougat
Black pepper, cinnamon , cedar
White pepper, charred cedar, vanilla grass