The Ariston, a newly remodeled luxury cigar destination, is proud to announce the opening of the Byron Cigar Lounge in the vibrant heart of downtown Nashville, TN. The Pearse family, known for their legacy in creating luxury cigar destinations, adds this new lounge to their impressive portfolio, which includes Franklin Cigars and Nashville Cigars.
Situated in the bustling epicenter of America’s music scene, The Ariston is a symbol of dedication to offering an outstanding atmosphere for both seasoned enthusiasts and those new to the world of cigars. The renovation brings a touch of elegance and sophistication, ideal for anyone seeking a high-end cigar experience.
This concept took shape at the 2023 PCA show in Las Vegas, NV, inspired over Byron Venecianos cigars and Cuban Cafecitos shared with Nelson Alfonso of Selected Tobacco and Oliver Nivaud of United Cigars.
Dave Pearse, the owner, shares his excitement, “Nashville, a city beloved by music and cigar enthusiasts, now has a new landmark. The Ariston isn’t just another lounge; it’s a tribute to Nashville’s rich cultural tapestry, blending the essence of cigars with the city’s soulful rhythm. We’re thrilled to invite cigar lovers to experience the unique Byron charm in our latest venture.”
A Highlight of The Ariston: The Byron Cigar Lounge is not just another space in The Ariston; it’s a distinct highlight. Reserved exclusively for the lounge, the second floor offers a luxurious and inviting environment. Patrons can enjoy rare selections from the Byron Cigar collection, immersing themselves in an ambiance that echoes Nashville’s dynamic spirit.
Oliver Nivaud, Director of Operations for United Cigars, commented, “Our partnership with the Pearse family, known for their dedication to the cigar industry, has been a perfect union.” The Ariston, with its central location and unique offerings, is set to become a landmark destination for those seeking an exclusive and sophisticated cigar experience in the heart of Downtown Nashville.