United Cigars Announces Unexpected Shift for “Dragon Slayer” Amid Trademark Challenges
Hudson, NH – In an unforeseen twist of fate, United Cigars’ much-anticipated release, the “Dragon Slayer,” adorned in regal red and gold, encountered a significant setback due to U.S. trademark laws. Initially poised for launch in alignment with the Year of the Dragon, the cigar was designed to embody a blend worthy of the legendary Saint George of the 11th century. However, corporate legal challenges have necessitated a dramatic change in course for this would-be fiery masterpiece.
Originally hosted at Artista Cigars’ factory, the Dragon Slayer was set to captivate with its bold flavors and distinguished presentation. Yet, just as it was ready to make its mark, trademark disputes led to the removal of its name, branding, and distinctive red and gold bands, essentially stripping the cigar of its identity.
In response to these challenges, United Cigars has undertaken the arduous process of removing all traces of the Dragon Slayer’s intended branding, including barcodes, cellophane, and bands. Now unnamed, the cigar showcases its dark Mexican San Andres wrapper, with a blend of Dominican Piloto and Nicaraguan fillers, bound by Dominican craftsmanship, ready to chart a new course.
Despite the setbacks, United Cigars hints at a potential resurgence, reminiscent of a phoenix rising from ashes. The company plans to release fifteen special unbanded cigars in a complimentary Humidif Ashtray, with a suggested retail price of $180, equating to $12 per cigar. This offering is expected to reach select retailers soon, signaling a new chapter for this mysterious release.
As the industry and enthusiasts alike watch closely, the narrative of the once-named Dragon Slayer continues, its future shrouded in mystery and speculation. Will this cigar overcome its initial hurdles to achieve legendary status, or will it become a tale of what might have been?
About United Cigars
Founded in 1901, United Cigar evolved from a major U.S. cigar store chain to a key player in cigar distribution and manufacturing, including partnerships with Selected Tobacco (Atabey, Byron, & Bandolero) and Jose Dominguez. The company boasts a diverse portfolio, including the Classic bundle line, Red Anchor, La Gianna Havana, and its flagship brand, United. Through the United Cigar Series Unidas, United Cigars collaborates with renowned manufacturers to offer premium, limited release products to the market.