Basel/Switzerland, September 2023 – As the holiday season approaches, Davidoff Cigars extends a warm invitation to aficionados, novices, and gift-givers alike to share in the brand’s unwavering passion for premium handmade cigars and top-tier cigar accessories. Whether intended as a gift for a loved one or a personal indulgence, Davidoff offers an array of options, from their beloved Gift Selections to exclusive cigars and the opulent Aniversario No. 1 Limited Edition Collection. Each of these items is crafted with passion, given with love, and sure to be received with joy.
Every day, the Davidoff Master Blenders in the Dominican Republic pour their expertise, experience, and heart into their creations, both existing and those yet to come. Crafting premium handmade cigars and delivering unique taste experiences is their specialty. Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger Davidoff, shares, “Surprising someone with a fitting gift is a joy that is second to none. I am pleased that this holiday season, we can once again bring some Dominican passion to our aficionados around the world with all the cigars we create day in and day out. Especially with our new Aniversario No.1 Limited Edition Collection, our diversified gift selections, and our special cigars, we offer a range of gifts that will fill givers and recipients with love and joy.”
Davidoff Aniversario No. 1 Limited Edition Collection
Davidoff’s brand history is steeped in remarkable cigar innovations and iconic milestones. One such milestone was the creation of the Aniversario No. 1, designed to celebrate Zino Davidoff’s 80th birthday in 1986. As part of the captivating The Difference campaign, Davidoff Cigars is rewriting cigar history for the third time this year. They are surprising loyal aficionados by reintroducing a limited edition of the beloved double corona. The majestic Davidoff Aniversario No. 1 Limited Edition Collection cigar delights aficionados with balanced flavors of cedar wood, roasted nuts, and fresh spice, making it an ideal gift for collectors worldwide. With an impressive smoking time of 140 minutes, this double corona offers cigar enthusiasts a unique opportunity to create new memories while savoring this masterpiece.
Davidoff Gift Selections
For those seeking to explore the full spectrum of Davidoff’s flavors, formats, and intensity, the Davidoff Gift Selections are a perfect choice. These selections cater to various tastes and preferences, with the brand offering different sets to choose from:
- The first set includes five of Davidoff’s best-selling robustos.*
- The second set comprises six figurados, a special shape that demands years of experience and craftsmanship.
- The third and fourth selections feature Davidoff’s most coveted cigars* and formats**, presented in an exquisite wooden cigar box.
All Davidoff Gift Selections are a wonderful choice for holiday gifting.
Davidoff Royal Release – An Exquisite Cigar Experience
Another extraordinary cigar perfect for gifting is the Davidoff Royal Release. Savoring these cigars is an unparalleled experience. Aficionados can expect out-of-this-world tobaccos cultivated in the richest of soils and the passionate craftsmanship of Davidoff’s Master Blenders. To earn the title “Royal Release,” the journey from seed to cigar spans 10 years, with each ingredient receiving special treatment. Both the salomones and robusto formats offer aficionados a truly royal experience.
About Oettinger Davidoff
Oettinger Davidoff Group, with sales of around 500 million Swiss francs and over 3,900 employees around the world, traces its roots back to 1875 and remains family-owned to this day. The company is dedicated to the business of producing, marketing, distributing and retailing premium-branded cigars, tobacco products and accessories. The premium-branded cigar business includes Davidoff, AVO, Camacho, Cusano, Griffin’s, Private Stock, Zino and Zino Platinum. Oettinger Davidoff Group is also the sole agent of many brands in several countries such as Haribo in Switzerland. Its business is anchored in a strong “crop to shop” philosophy, having pursued vertical integration from the tobacco fields in the Dominican Republic and Honduras to its global network of 65 Davidoff flagship stores/satellites and strong appointed merchants in over 130 countries.