Powstanie, a respected name in the world of premium cigars, is excited to unveil their latest work, the Powstanie Connecticut Blend. Crafted with exceptional Connecticut shade wrapper, this cigar boasts a silky-smooth appearance and promises a captivating smoking experience aroma with bold undertones. The blend’s construction and memorable flavors represent Powstanie’s unwavering commitment to delivering the best cigars they can to cigar enthusiasts worldwide.
Available in four distinct sizes, including Toro, Robusto, Perfecto, and Belicoso, the Powstanie Connecticut Blend caters to the preferences of every connoisseur. Each box contains 21 cigars. With an MSRP ranging from $11.20 to $12.00 per cigar, the Powstanie Connecticut Blend features an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, a Pennsylvania Broadleaf binder, and Nicaraguan fillers.
The Powstanie Connecticut Blend is expected to appear on shelves and sites by mid-August. Powstanie has invited industry professionals to experience this anticipated blend firsthand at the Premium Cigar Association trade show, where they can engage with Powstanie representatives, learn more about the meticulous craftsmanship behind the blend, and secure their allocations before the official release to the public. With their commitment to excellence and the addition of the refined Connecticut shade wrapper, Powstanie is confident that the Connecticut Blend will be hailed as one of a kind and the best Connecticut released at this year’s show.