The Analog Movement: Reshaping Life, Luxury, & Leisure in the Digital Era

Screens dominate more of our daily lives with every passing year. Beyond the technology, there has been a remarkable resurgence of interest in analog hobbies and activities. People are seeking meaningful ways to engage in real-life pursuits that allow them to reconnect with themselves, others, and the world at large. Technology is an amazing tool, but it doesn’t deserve as much time as we allow ourselves to give it. Let’s delve into the captivating trend of embracing analog, exploring the growing popularity of a few hobbies and interests, and showcasing some of the ways you can get started:

The resurgence of film photography is capturing the attention of those seeking dedicate more time to something without a battery. Kodak, known at one time the world over as pioneers of film, stopped producing 35mm cameras for the U.S. and European markets in 2004. Almost 2 decades later, film photography is offering from the excitement of capturing an image to the anticipation of processing it. Photographers who have embraced film describe the joy of the deliberate and mindful process, the tangible experience of handling physical negatives and prints, and the satisfaction of curating personal collections. If you’re intrigued by film photography, here are some tips to get started:


Start by acquiring a film camera, either by purchasing a vintage model or exploring modern film cameras. Consider factors such as camera format (35mm or medium format) and lens options based on your photographic preferences.

Film Selection:

Experiment with different film stocks to discover the unique characteristics they offer. Research and explore various brands, types, and ISO levels to find the ones that align with your artistic vision.

Learning Resources:

There are numerous books dedicated to film photography to learn about exposure, manual settings, and film handling. Joining local photography groups or workshops can also provide valuable insights and connections. It’s not cheating to also find help online, you can benefit from technology while setting boundaries.

Film Development and Scanning:

Find reputable film labs or learn to develop and scan film yourself if you prefer a hands-on approach. Research local labs or invest in a film developing kit to process your own rolls.

Practice and Experimentation:

Start shooting and embrace the learning process. Experiment with different shooting techniques, lighting conditions, and subjects to discover your personal style and preferences.

By embracing film photography, you can embark on a creative journey that offers a refreshing escape from the digital realm, evoking nostalgia and providing a deeper connection to the art of capturing moments. So grab your film camera, select your preferred film stock, and immerse yourself in the intentional, analog experience of film photography.

Vinyl records are undergoing a remarkable revival, captivating the hearts of both seasoned audiophiles and completely new generations of music enthusiasts. The resurgence of vinyl can be attributed to several factors, some of which cigar heads will immediately connect with, like the collecting and ritual aspects. First and foremost, vinyl offers a warm sound quality that is cherished by a large and growing segment of music lovers. The analog format is said to add a unique depth and richness to the music, providing an immersive listening experience that digital formats often struggle to replicate. The ritual of playing a vinyl record has its own unique charm. From carefully selecting an album to delicately placing the needle on the spinning disc,the tactile nature of vinyl creates a more intimate connection with the music. It’s not at all unlike opening the door to your humidor and deciding which cigar to enjoy. The resurgence of vinyl is a testament to the enduring appeal of this captivating analog medium, which continues to enchant music lovers worldwide. So, here’s a primer to get you started:

Warm Sound Quality

One of the key factors driving the revival of vinyl records is the unique and cherished sound quality they offer. Vinyl enthusiasts often describe the warm, rich tones that emanate from the grooves of a record. We explore the reasons behind this distinct sound, including the analog nature of the medium and the meticulous mastering process involved in vinyl production. Collectors, audio engineers, and musicians share their experiences and insights into the sonic appeal of vinyl, making it an immersive and fulfilling listening experience.

The Immersive Ritual

Beyond the audio quality, the ritual of playing a vinyl record adds an enchanting and tangible element to the music-listening experience. From carefully selecting a record from your collection to delicately placing it on the turntable and gently lowering the needle, each step becomes a deliberate act of engagement with the music. We talk to collectors and enthusiasts who describe the sense of anticipation that builds as the needle touches the spinning vinyl, creating a connection with the music that goes beyond mere playback.

Collector’s Perspective:

Vinyl records have always held a special place in the hearts of collectors, and their resurgence has breathed new life into the world of music collecting. We delve into the motivations behind vinyl collecting, from the pursuit of rare and limited-edition releases to the joy of uncovering hidden gems in record stores and flea markets. Collectors share their tips for starting a vinyl collection, including exploring different genres, building relationships with local record stores, and utilizing online resources to expand their musical horizons.

  1. Record Players: Invest in a quality turntable that suits your budget and needs. Research different models and consider features like belt-drive or direct-drive, adjustable tonearms, and built-in phono preamps.
  2. Building a Collection: Start exploring record stores, online marketplaces, and local record fairs to find albums that resonate with your musical taste. Consider joining vinyl subscription services or vinyl clubs to discover new releases and hidden gems.
  3. Care and Maintenance: Learn proper record handling techniques, including how to clean and store your vinyl records to ensure they last and maintain their quality.
  4. Expand Your Musical Horizons: Explore various genres and eras of music to broaden your appreciation and understanding of vinyl’s diverse offerings. Experiment with different artists, labels, and styles to develop your own eclectic collection.

The revival of vinyl records offers a nostalgic and immersive experience that allows music enthusiasts to disconnect from digital platforms and rediscover the magic of analog sound. So, set up your turntable, browse through record stores, and embark on a journey that celebrates the art and joy of vinyl records.

Two popular crafts in particular are captivating those looking to acquire new skills : leatherworking and woodworking. Developing and refining skills involving real craftsmanship has always been a draw for creative people, allowing anyone with the time and resources the ability to unleash their ideas and create unique, handcrafted works of art. Here are some initial pathways to get involved, and the cost considerations associated with each:


Leatherworking offers the opportunity to craft personalized leather goods and accessories. With techniques like hand-stitching and tooling, leatherworkers create bespoke items. Beginners can start with affordable starter kits, which typically range from $50 to $100. Additionally, investing in higher-quality leather and specialized tools can cost around $100 to $300. However, leatherworking provides flexibility in starting small and gradually expanding your toolkit as your skills grow. To embark on your own leatherworking journey, here are some pathways to consider:

  1. Starter Kits: Invest in a beginner-friendly leatherworking kit that includes essential tools, leather pieces, and instructional resources. These kits provide a convenient way to start learning the basics of leatherworking without the need for an extensive array of tools.
  2. Online Tutorials and Classes: For the purist, there are many books with step-by-step guidance, techniques, and inspiration for creating various leather projects. If you simply learn better by watching, explore online platforms and websites that offer tutorials and courses on leatherworking.
  3. Community Workshops: Join local leatherworking workshops or classes to learn directly from experienced artisans. These workshops often provide access to specialized tools and offer opportunities to connect with other artists.


We’ve all seen the amazing projects out there. Cutting boards, resin pour tables, it’s all really amazing to see. If it’s something you look at and think “I could do that,” you’re right! To get involved in woodworking, beginners can start with a basic tool set, which usually costs around $100 to $300, including a saw, chisels, a plane, and carving tools. Community woodshops offer shared access to tools and equipment, with memberships ranging from $50 to $150 per month. While woodworking may involve a higher initial investment in tools and equipment, strategic purchases and the use of reclaimed wood can help manage costs. To set out on your own woodworking adventure, consider these avenues to get you started:

  1. Basic Tool Set: Begin by acquiring a basic set of woodworking tools, such as a saw, chisels, a plane, and a set of carving tools. These tools will allow you to start working on small projects and develop essential woodworking skills.
  2. Community Woodshops and Makerspaces: Seek out local community woodshops or makerspaces that provide access to shared woodworking tools and equipment. These spaces often offer classes, workshops, and a supportive community of fellow woodworkers.
  3. Online Resources: Utilize online resources, such as video tutorials, woodworking forums, and instructional websites, to learn techniques, explore project ideas, and seek guidance from experienced woodworkers.

Both leatherworking and woodworking offer the joy of using different materials and the satisfaction of creating something you made with with your own hands. Leatherworking may be the more accessible of the two to get started with. Woodworking provides a broader range of possibilities, but requires a larger initial investment. However, by carefully budgeting and strategically acquiring tools, both crafts can be pursued on different scales and budgets. Whichever craft you choose, both  – and so many others – offer the rewarding experience of imagining an end result and taking all the necessary to make it a tangible reality.

This is one I think about a lot. In a world driven by digital communication and instant messaging, the act of writing by hand has taken on a new significance. Before telegraph and phone lines, you might write a letter three times before you actually sent it out with the words you actually meant to use. Today, you can end a long-term relationship with an emoji. Even something a simple as a thank you letter was just something you always sent after an event, meeting, or kind gesture. Today, you can likely count on one finger the last time you sent or received one. Rediscovering the joy and learning about the therapeutic benefits of putting pen to paper, individuals are immersing themselves em masse in the analog activity of writing.  Writing offers a unique pathway to creativity, self-expression, and a deeper connection with both the written word and oneself, but it’s not just a nice feeling, it’s science:

Unleashing Creativity through Pen and Paper

Research has shown that writing by hand can stimulate creativity in unique ways. According to a study published in the journal Psychological Science, individuals who wrote by hand demonstrated higher levels of idea generation and originality compared to those using digital devices. The physical act of writing engages different parts of the brain, enhancing cognitive processes and encouraging divergent thinking, leading to increased creativity.

Slowing Down and Fostering Mindfulness

Writing by hand offers an opportunity to slow down and engage in a mindful practice. A study conducted by researchers at the University of California found that taking notes by hand during lectures resulted in better comprehension and retention compared to typing on a keyboard. The deliberate and slower pace of writing allows for deeper processing of information, promoting mindfulness and a more profound connection with the written content.

Deepening the Connection with the Written Word

The tactile experience of writing by hand strengthens the connection with the written word. Research published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology suggests that the physical act of forming letters by hand activates multiple sensory-motor areas of the brain, enhancing memory and comprehension. This multisensory engagement facilitates a deeper understanding and connection to the written text, fostering a greater appreciation for language and its nuances.

Building Self-Reflection and Personal Growth

Numerous studies have highlighted the benefits of expressive writing for self-reflection and personal growth. Research conducted at the University of Texas found that individuals who engaged in expressive writing experienced improvements in emotional well-being, reduced stress levels, and increased self-awareness. Writing by hand provides a private and intimate space for self-reflection, allowing individuals to explore their thoughts and emotions with greater depth and clarity.

Scientific evidence supports the notion that writing by hand offers more than just a nostalgic charm; it provides a scientifically backed pathway to creativity, mindfulness, and personal growth. The act of writing engages different parts of the brain, stimulating creativity and enhancing cognitive processes. Furthermore, the tactile experience of writing fosters a deeper connection with the written word, while expressive writing promotes self-reflection and emotional well-being. So, pick up a pen, embrace writing, and unlock the profound benefits it offers for your creativity and self-expression.

In a technology-driven world, the resurgence of analog hobbies and activities provides a much-needed escape from the digital overload. Engaging in tangible pursuits allows us to slow down, reconnect with ourselves and others, and find joy in the simplicity of analog experiences. By embracing offline activities like board games, art, and reading physical books, we can immerse ourselves in the present moment and rediscover authentic connections.

Analog hobbies not only offer a break from screens but also nurture our creativity, imagination, and problem-solving skills. Whether it’s exploring the intricacies of a board game or experimenting with different artistic techniques, these pursuits encourage personal growth and self-expression. Unplugging from devices and embracing the allure of analog experiences opens the door to a more balanced and fulfilling life. Let the beauty of analog hobbies guide us towards a deeper connection with ourselves, others, and the captivating world beyond the screen.