Big Sky Cigar Co. has revealed the details of the fifth and final addition to their Montana river series. Set to make its debut at this summer’s Premium Cigar Association trade show in Las Vegas this July, Blackfoot measures 6 x 54 and aims to capture the attention of a diverse range of cigar enthusiasts, from seasoned connoisseurs to newcomers to culture of premium cigars.
The Montana river series from Big Sky Cigar Co. draws inspiration from the majestic blue ribbon trout streams of Montana, offering a collection of meticulously crafted blends. Comprising the series are the Yellowstone (5 x 50), Bighorn 2.0 (6 1/4 x 52), Madison (6 1/4 x 52), and Bitterroot (6 x 54). Each cigar within this lineup pays homage to the captivating natural wonders that continue to fascinate and inspire enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.
Renowned Master Blender Chico Rivas dedicated his passion for the craft and years of expertise to the creation this cigar, aptly named after the revered Blackfoot River. Just as the Blackfoot River represents the pinnacle of fishing, the Blackfoot cigar is intended to embody perfection in every draw and flavor note. Manufactured in the Dominican Republic, this cigar boasts a San Andrés wrapper, Dominican binder, and filler tobaccos each sourced from the Dominican Republic. Launching at a suggested retail price of $15 per cigar, Blackfoot will be available in 20-count boxes and is expected to hit the shelves between July and August of 2023.