Shoots out of the gate with a strong pepper and spice. Mellows into a medium-plus bready coffee. In one word this cigar is: smooth.
Working with storied factories like Artista and La Aurora, the Sinistro Cigars brand has amassed a large and growing following almost exclusively through word of mouth. Founded by James Agopian and Coleman Fine, Sinistro strives to put out cigars that people not only talk about but repeatedly stock their humidors with. Always looking to play with what our expectations of a cigar can be, Agopian is constantly blending new and different combinations of some of the best tobaccos available today.
Wrapper: Nicaraguan / Binder: Nicaraguan / Filler: Dominican and Nicaraguan
Vitola: Robusto / Size: 5 x 50
Factory: La Aurora / Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Tobacco, spice
Wheat, cayenne, oregano
Tobacco, spice
Sweet honey, coffee with cream. Spice on the finish. Transitions to pepper, baking spice, cayenne.
Honey, cream, medium roast coffee, fennel seed. Spice is reduced significantly. A breast note, almost a wheat, appears every now and then.
Bready, smooth medium roast coffee. Slight pepper.