Excellent midday cigar.
Born in Cuba in 1950, Don José “Pepin” Garcia grew up surrounded by tradition. After decades mastering his craft, Don Pepin and his family opened their own small factory in Miami’s Little Havana 2003. Today, 70 years since his story began, My Father Cigars has two factories, employs hundreds of rollers, and is responsible for 12 of their own brands in addition to numerous popular blends for others.
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Oscuro / Binder: Nicaraguan / Filler: Nicaraguan
Vitola: Robusto Grande / Size: 5.5 x 54
Factory: My Father Cigars S.A. / Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Tobacco and hay
Sweet Tobacco
At first light peanuts, hay and about a five on the retrohale in spice nice creaminess to the smoke. Draw is a little snug. Still getting excellent smoke output with a Rich creaminess.
Midpoint getting that pop rock sensation on my palate, nice solid ash. The pepper through the retrohale is more of a cinnamon now and getting more of a cream coffee nuance to the flavor on the palate. Draw is opening up to almost perfect now. Vanilla on the finish.
Final third earthy leather still with the cinnamon on the retrohale. Little bit of a pop rocks sensation persists on the back of the palate. Smoke has intensified to be a little bit more rich and creamy. A little bit of a charcoal taste to finish it out.