Revealed by Davidoff as the first of 4 limited edition White Band Collection releases, the launch of the Davidoff Signature No. 1 Limited Edition 2023 is quickly approaching. Unveiled to the public along with the apt tagline “cigar history re-rolled,” this is a cigar with decades of backstory. The renowned cigar company’s Classic No. 1 has the kind of legacy that dedicated cigar heads live to learn about.
Davidoff ceased all Cuban production indefinitely around 1990 – a wild story on its own – and the search for a new base of operations for the brand led to Tabacos Dominicanos. Also known as Tabadom, it was owned and operated at the time by none other than the now legendary Hendrik “Henke” Kelner. That collaboration would help to establish Davidoff as one of the best-selling cigar brands in the world.
Referred to as a Panetela Larga vitola, this revisited No. 1 is 7.5 x 39 – the same size as its predecessor and slightly longer than the original Laguito No. 1’s 7.5 x 38 format. Launching with an MSRP of $28 per cigar, a total of 15,000 boxes of the Signature No. 1 are being made available – each containing 10 cigars. Featuring the same type of leaf that replaced the original’s Cuban-grown outer layer, the Signature No. 1 is wrapped in Ecuadorian Connecticut. An Ecuadorian Hybrid 151 seco is listed for the binder, where previous iterations had referred to the binder as being of Dominican origin. For the filler, a combination of Piloto, San Vicente, and Hybrid 192 seco tobaccos have been utilized.
Anyone visiting the Davidoff Signature No. 1 Limited Edition 2023 product page ahead of the official launch will be met with basic information about the release as well as a a greyed out button that reads “Available Jan. 26th.” where “add to cart” typically lives. A lot has changed since the No. 1’s inception. Realistically, a large number of those cigar lovers who are able to obtain this release may never have had a previous iteration to compare the experience to. For many, that will only add to the allure of this limited production run.
Have you experienced the Classic No. 1? Do you have a favorite Davidoff? Let everyone know in the comments below!