The OLDEST Cigar Store in The World: JJ Fox Humidor Tour

The James J Fox cigar store, located on St James’s Street in London, is a legendary destination for cigar enthusiasts worldwide. Known as one of the oldest cigar shops in the world, JJ Fox boasts a rich history and a stunning collection of cigars that cater to all levels of cigar aficionados. Recently, the store unveiled a refurbished humidor, enhancing its reputation as a premier destination for premium cigars.

The Historic Legacy of James J Fox

With its roots dating back centuries, James J Fox is an institution in the cigar world. The shop’s charm lies in its seamless blend of history and modernity. Its St James’s Street location is steeped in tradition, and the store has served an array of notable customers over the years. With the upgraded humidor, James J Fox has further solidified its standing as a must-visit spot for anyone passionate about cigars.

The Thoughtfully Designed Humidor

One of the most notable aspects of the newly refurbished humidor is its unique arrangement of cigars by strength rather than brand. This thoughtful layout provides an intuitive shopping experience, with cigars progressing from lighter to stronger options. Whether you’re new to cigars or a seasoned smoker, this arrangement ensures you can easily find a cigar that matches your preferences.

A Wide Variety of Cigars

The humidor offers an impressive range of cigars, including both classic Cuban options and high-quality New World selections. Among the featured brands are legendary names like H. Upmann, Montecristo, and Padron, appealing to fans of both traditional and modern styles.

Enthusiasts will also appreciate the availability of limited edition and rare cigars, which make this humidor a treasure trove for collectors. From JJ Fox’s own house blends made with Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos to vintage rarities, there’s no shortage of exceptional finds.

Pricing for All Budgets

Another highlight of the tour is the diversity in pricing. JJ Fox caters to a wide range of customers, offering affordable house-brand cigars alongside premium items. At the top end, there are luxury selections like the Davidoff Number One Cuban, priced at an astonishing $20,000 for a box. This variety ensures that everyone, from casual smokers to serious connoisseurs, can find something to enjoy.

Unique Features of the Humidor

The humidor also showcases special sections that elevate the experience. Exclusive blends, rare vintage cigars, and luxurious display cases add to the store’s allure. One standout feature is the magnificent 55th Anniversary Trinidad trunk, which exemplifies the level of craftsmanship and exclusivity available at JJ Fox.

Beyond the Humidor: A Complete Experience

James J Fox is more than just a cigar shop—it’s a cultural experience. The store offers a sampling lounge where patrons can enjoy their purchases in a relaxed setting. Additionally, the on-site museum provides a glimpse into the history of cigars and the store itself, making it a destination that combines shopping, education, and enjoyment.

Final Thoughts

The James J Fox humidor tour showcases why this store remains a cornerstone of the cigar community. With its meticulous organization, diverse offerings, and rich history, JJ Fox provides an unparalleled experience for cigar lovers. Whether you’re searching for a rare collectible or simply want to indulge in a premium smoke, this iconic London shop has something for everyone.