Cuban cigars hold an iconic place in the cigar world, often celebrated for their craftsmanship and flavor profiles. In his latest review, Alex Gonzalez from The Cigar Guys takes a closer look at the H. Upmann Connossieur No. 2, sharing his insights on its construction, flavor evolution, and overall smoking experience.
First Impressions: A Tight Draw with Surprising Output
From the first puffs, Alex notes a slightly tight draw, a common characteristic of Cuban cigars. Despite this, the smoke output is impressive, setting the stage for a flavorful journey. The initial profile leans nutty, with a flavor reminiscent of burnt popcorn, offering a unique and intriguing start.
Construction: Quality Meets Stability
As Alex progresses through the cigar, he praises its construction quality. The H. Upmann Connossieur No. 2 maintains a stable burn and good ash retention—hallmarks of a well-crafted cigar. Alex also discusses how Cuban cigars often perform better when smoked drier and touches on the challenges of fluctuating quality due to limited production.
Flavor Evolution: From Nutty to Unique
The cigar’s flavor profile evolves throughout the smoking experience. Alex notes a transition from the initial nutty and salty notes to a more distinct taste he describes as reminiscent of suntan lotion. While this unexpected flavor adds to the cigar’s uniqueness, Alex finds it somewhat off-putting.
Final Thoughts: A Mixed Finish
By the end of the cigar, the unusual suntan lotion flavor fades, leaving a savory profile with a hint of bitterness. While the H. Upmann Connossieur No. 2 isn’t Alex’s favorite Cuban cigar, he appreciates its craftsmanship and recommends exploring other H. Upmann offerings. He highlights lighter wrappers as a potential avenue for more balanced and enjoyable flavors.
Conclusion: Worth Exploring for Cuban Cigar Fans
Alex’s review provides a nuanced take on the H. Upmann Connossieur No. 2, blending praise for its construction with candid feedback on its flavor profile. For fans of Cuban cigars, this review serves as both a guide and an invitation to explore the diverse world of H. Upmann cigars.
Have you tried the H. Upmann Connossieur No. 2? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!