The Cigar Smoker’s Zodiac Forecast – August 2024

Cigar Smokers Zodiac

Libra June August 2024

August will be a very smokey time when you can temporarily set your wife work aside and simply let the smoke output wash over you like a golden shower at a brothel. With a new moon on August 4 in warmhearted Leo, 13 degrees, and your eleventh house of joy, this should make for quite an enjoyable month of cigars.

Virgo June August 2024

August will be a slow burning month where you will not see many flavor transitions in your cigars. Mercury, your ruler and the planet in charge of taking good care of you, will be retrograde from August 4 to August 28. This will slow down the number of cigars you can enjoy, so for now you will need to have patience and binge watch season 6 of Cobra Kai.

Leo June August 2024

There is no doubt that Leo has had a difficult time recently; cracked wrappers, tunneling issues, ammonia flavor notes, etc. Uranus has been the culprit, causing unexpected diarrhea events to come up that have stopped you in your tracks and urged you to rethink the recent cigars you have purchased.

Cancer August 2024

In August you will be in planning mode; planning what cigar to buy, which lighter to purchase, which cutter you will need for that next lavish event. More importantly, and you will need to know what truly makes you happy. What do you wish you could change in your life? Would you change your weight? Would you change your job? Would you change your son’s room into a walk-in humidor?

Gemini August 2024

This will be a solidly flavorful month. Will there be some challenges? Absolutely. Will you stub your toe on the edge of the bed frame? Of course. But will you get through it? Probably not, but that’s okay. The helpful side of these changes is that they will open up your schedule, and you can use this time to smoke puros and indulge in the new Black Label Trading Co. Bishops blend you’ve been eyeing.

Aries August 2024

In August, you will get a chance to exhale and to enjoy life. This is the time to rearrange your humidor and make sure tobacco beetles haven’t moved in unexpectedly. If you do come across tobacco beetles, be sure to issue them an eviction notice promptly and let them know that squatting without an owner’s consent is grounds for removal.

Taurus August 2024

Life will slow down in August, giving you the time you’ve been looking for to finish that YouTube documentary on the Plasencia factory. You were in a period of heightened activity, so tone down that Viagra consumption and turn to natural remedies. It seems you may be ready to switch your attention away from your career for a minute and focus on your cigars you’ve been holding from PCA.

Scorpio August 2024

Most people use August to take a vacation, but you use August to smoke your aged cigars that have been craving your attention. The offers you receive from cigar companies will be some of the very best of 2024. Even if you are happy with your humidor, it would be worthwhile to investigate these opportunities and pickup some new cigars to add to the collection.

Sagittarius August 2024

You love cigars, and you need it like oxygen. Even if you already smoked a majority of your cigar collection in June or July, doing this did not appease your appetite—it only stimulated you to want more and to find a way to do it. Your palate is hungry to take in more flavor notes, and your curiosity knows no end. However, be cautious to not burn out your palate and scorch your taste buds. Doing so may result in your cigars tasting like the inner rim of a toilet in the public restroom of a taqueria.

Capricorn August 2024

The month opens with a new moon on August 4 in Leo, 13 degrees, ready to fill up your humidor. Crowded cigar lounges are not for you. You would rather go against the tendencies of cigar nerds and travel in September instead, when the crowds have thinned, and you can get to your favorite stained, hole-ridden, leather couch more comfortably.

Aquarius August 2024

August seems perfectly shaped for toros. If you are part of the industry, you will have to concentrate with great focus to keep your mind on your work because clearly, in August, you won’t want to be there. Considering that almost all your planets are begging you to take time off, maybe you should give into this theme and smoke those Rare Pinks you’ve been hoarding since last year. If not, feel free to contact the editor of Cigar Public and we will happily take them off your hands.

Pisces August 2024

As you enter August, you will be deeply involved in developing your palate. Mars, the energy planet, will be orbiting close to good-fortune Jupiter in Gemini and your fourth house of home, so focusing on your ability to detect flavors is precisely what you should do. If your palate is fatigued, go on YouTube and watch a few episodes of the Sahakians from Davidoff of London three times a day for two days and that should clear up any symptoms.