Should Politics Be Covered in Cigar Media?

Should Politics Be Covered in Cigar Media?

I recently saw a cigar media company conduct a Presidential Poll for its consumers. My first thought was, “Will I be able to get away from politics while enjoying the hobby that helps me disconnect from the world’s chaos?” Then I wondered if this was just clickbait to get views. This led me to think: why not conduct my own poll of different cigar groups on social media to get their thoughts and opinions on the matter, without my biased view? Below are the results from the poll.

NO 80 percent.

YES 10 percent.

Neutral 10 percent.


Let’s dive deeper into the thoughts of the everyday consumer on this topic.

There’s confusion and misinformation as to lumping cigars into the same world as cigarettes, vaping, ecigs, smokeless tobacco, etc. and there should be a discussion/education of the people that are making the laws and regulations for our industry. (Anonymous Consumer)

I think their grab for commentary on the election serves as nothing but clickbait. If you’re a secure individual, you respect all sides of any political argument if things are discussed respectfully as rational adults. Nobody will ever agree on everything, but when it resorts to name calling or childish digs, it becomes a sign of someone’s weak character and is the reason why this country looks foolish to the rest of the world. Cigar media should probably stick to legislation regarding tobacco, but CA was just hunting for clicks on the post you’re referencing. (Anonymous Consumer)

Personally, I don’t bring politics into my business. We all have our personal views, but to use your business platform to promote politics in any form is a mistake in my opinion. (Anonymous Consumer)

I’ve always heard no politics with cigars but every cigar lounge I go to they talk about politics. Doesn’t bother me, just keep it respectful (Anonymous Consumer)

I don’t want politics in my cigars personally.  I have met a varied and vibrant cross-section of society who also enjoy cigars, why should we let that divide us? (Anonymous Consumer)

Keep politics out of cigars. Unless its regarding legislation pertaining to cigars (Anonymous Consumer)

Politics…in general no… but the cigar industry is a heavily regulated industry without the ability to openly advertise and promote their product. (Anonymous Consumer)

After numerous conversations with everyday cigar smokers, I’ve gathered a range of perspectives on this topic. One thing is clear: over the years, many have engaged in discussions about the world, politics, and other pressing issues. It’s not a question of whether people can have calm and rational conversations about these critical topics. The real issue is whether media outlets that cover cigars, reviews, and upcoming releases should also write about the presidential debate.

Some argue that, as private businesses, they have the freedom to cover whatever they choose. Others believe they can address it but risk alienating viewers who prefer not to see political content on cigar-focused media. Then there are those who firmly think such topics should never be covered in the cigar media space, which they see as a sanctuary for relaxation away from the chaos of politics. Share your thoughts in the comments on the topic below.

I’m John Cardenas, also known as Johnny Havana in the cigar industry. What I love about being involved with Cigar Public is that I have the opportunity to learn and share the stories of those in the cigar industry. I’ve formed lifelong relationships over a cigar and conversations. I’m committed to providing honest reviews of cigars and sharing my experiences with you. @JohnnyHavana