In this insightful video, BeastMade Reviews dives into the world of cigars, sharing essential tips and personal insights for beginners. The guide aims to break down common misconceptions, provide practical advice, and make the intimidating world of cigars more accessible to newcomers. Here are the key takeaways from this beginner’s guide.
Starting Your Cigar Journey
BeastMade Reviews emphasizes the importance of starting with the basics. Selecting your first cigar doesn’t have to be overwhelming, and you don’t need to break the bank to enjoy a quality experience. The host recommends focusing on mild cigars as a starting point, allowing you to ease into the flavors without being overwhelmed.
What No One Tells You
1. It’s All About Personal Preference
One of the biggest revelations is that cigar smoking is entirely subjective. What works for one person may not work for another. The video stresses that it’s okay to experiment and find what suits your taste, rather than being swayed by trends or recommendations alone.
2. Proper Storage Matters
BeastMade Reviews highlights the importance of storing cigars properly in a humidor. Improper storage can ruin even the most premium cigars, making a humidor an essential investment for beginners.
3. Don’t Inhale
The video reminds beginners that cigars are meant to be enjoyed by savoring the flavors, not by inhaling like a cigarette. This is a common mistake that many new smokers make, leading to an unpleasant experience.
4. Cutting and Lighting Are Crucial
The host walks viewers through the proper techniques for cutting and lighting a cigar, noting that these steps significantly affect the overall experience. Using a quality cutter and lighter ensures an even burn and allows the flavors to develop as intended.
Breaking Down the Experience
BeastMade Reviews explains that cigars are meant to be savored slowly. Beginners should take their time to appreciate the flavors, aromas, and craftsmanship that go into each cigar. The video encourages smokers to approach the experience as a moment of relaxation and mindfulness.
Overcoming Intimidation
The host addresses the intimidation factor often associated with cigar lounges or seasoned smokers. The video reassures beginners that everyone starts somewhere and that the cigar community is generally welcoming and eager to share knowledge.
Final Thoughts and Recommendations
The video wraps up with a call to embrace the journey of discovering cigars. BeastMade Reviews encourages viewers to enjoy the process, keep an open mind, and share their experiences with others.
This beginner’s guide is not just a practical introduction but also an invitation to explore the rich culture and tradition of cigars.