In this video, the host, Zeal Cigars takes viewers on a journey through the flavors and craftsmanship of the La Cura cigar, produced by GTO Cigars. Highlighting the company’s long-standing tobacco cultivation roots, the review showcases the cigar’s unique profile, as well as the broader offerings from GTO. The video emphasizes quality, complexity, and the personal touch that goes into each cigar made by this family-owned business.
Introduction to GTO Cigars
The review begins with an introduction to GTO Cigars, a relatively lesser-known brand in the cigar world, founded by Dr. Oscar Rodriguez. The host advocates for supporting smaller, family-owned cigar producers, especially when many large corporations dominate the market. GTO Cigars stands out for its authenticity and dedication to craftsmanship, making it a brand worth exploring for cigar aficionados.
Background on GTO’s Tobacco Cultivation
Dr. Oscar Rodriguez’s family has been cultivating tobacco in the Dominican Republic for almost a century. The farm uses first-generation Cuban seeds, planted in one of the most renowned tobacco-growing regions in the world. This rich heritage and commitment to quality contribute to the exceptional flavors found in GTO Cigars, including the La Cura.
Overview of GTO Cigar Offerings
The video also provides a broad overview of GTO’s diverse cigar collection, catering to various tastes and preferences. Among the offerings are the 33 Oaks, Anesthesia, Corona GTO, and Painkiller cigars. The host reviews several of these cigars, sharing personal impressions of their flavors and complexities. Each GTO cigar is noted for its distinctiveness and attention to detail, making them competitive within the premium cigar market.
Detailed Review of La Cura
The focal point of the video is the review of the La Cura cigar. This cigar features a blend of 10-year-aged Dominican filler tobacco, wrapped in a rich Broadleaf wrapper. Upon lighting, the cigar presents an initial flavor profile of woody and spicy notes, which evolve into a creamy and coffee-like undertone as the smoke progresses. The review praises the cigar’s full-bodied nature, offering a satisfying and complex experience for those who enjoy a stronger smoke.
Comparison with Other Brands
Throughout the review, the host compares the La Cura cigar with other premium brands, noting that the GTO lineup—especially the La Cura—can compete with high-priced cigars in terms of flavor complexity and construction. Despite being a smaller, family-owned brand, GTO Cigars is shown to deliver cigars that rival the quality and depth of some of the best-known names in the industry.
Final Impressions
The review concludes with high praise for the La Cura cigar, recognizing it as a robust and flavorful smoke that is sure to impress those who appreciate a full-bodied experience. The host encourages viewers to explore the GTO Cigars brand further, suggesting that La Cura is a standout offering worth adding to any aficionado’s collection.