In this video, Fotos De Puros shares their top 10 favorite cigars of 2024, offering a personal and insightful look at each selection. The cigars featured are praised for their unique blends, exceptional craftsmanship, and the experiences that come with each smoke. There is no specific ranking provided, but each cigar is appreciated for its individual flavor profile and strength. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or a newcomer, this list offers something for everyone, showcasing the diverse tastes and preferences of cigar enthusiasts.
1. Jaime Garcia Reserva Special Success
The Jaime Garcia Reserva Special Success is a standout cigar from 2024, featuring a Habano torpedo shape. Known for its excellent construction, it delivers a smooth yet complex flavor profile with cream, walnut, and a subtle hint of cinnamon spice. This cigar is recommended for those who appreciate a balanced and flavorful smoking experience.
2. AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary Toro
Next up is the AJ Fernandez 20th Anniversary Toro, a visually stunning cigar with a full-bodied yet balanced intensity. The cigar showcases cedar, leather, chocolate, and espresso flavors, providing a rich and complex experience. It’s a great choice for those looking for a robust smoke with depth.
3. Aladino Cameroon Reserva
The Aladino Cameroon Reserva offers a creamy texture with notes of cedar spice and dried fruit. This cigar stands out as one of the best Cameroon cigars of the year, appreciated for its smoothness and complexity. It’s a perfect option for those who enjoy a mild to medium-bodied smoke with a touch of sweetness.
4. Isla del Codo
The Isla del Codo is a unique blend that combines Nicaraguan filler and an Ecuadorian wrapper. The result is a cigar that delivers a Cuban-esque experience with flavors of dried fruits and cream. This cigar is ideal for those looking for a rich and smooth smoke that evokes classic Cuban flavors.
5. Umbagog Bronze Back
The Umbagog Bronze Back impresses with its savory flavor profile and affordable price. Known for its solid construction and richness, this cigar is a go-to for those who enjoy a well-balanced smoke without breaking the bank. It’s a fantastic value for the quality it provides.
6. Sin Compromiso Selección No. 4
The Sin Compromiso Selección No. 4 is a Mexican San Andres wrapper cigar that offers intense flavors of molasses with a subtle hint of pepper. It provides a unique experience, particularly in this size, making it a must-try for those who enjoy full-bodied cigars with a bit of sweetness.
7. Diamond Crown Julius Caesar Troublemaker
The Diamond Crown Julius Caesar Troublemaker is a consistent favorite, known for its robust flavor profile. A blend of Dominican and Central American tobaccos, this cigar delivers a rich and full-bodied experience, making it perfect for those who enjoy a flavorful, premium smoke.
8. Wisan Corojo by Foundation Cigars
The Wisan Corojo by Foundation Cigars is a mild yet enjoyable Toro cigar made with all Nicaraguan tobacco. It features zesty and creamy notes that harmonize beautifully, offering a smooth and pleasant smoking experience. This cigar is perfect for those looking for something lighter without compromising on flavor.
9. Blood Medicine Limited Edition 2024
The Blood Medicine Limited Edition 2024 is approachable and features sweet and creamy flavors. This Toro cigar stands out for its complexity and improvement over previous blends. It’s an excellent choice for those who appreciate a more nuanced, flavorful smoke.
10. Crook of the Crown Fifth Anniversary
The Crook of the Crown Fifth Anniversary is a Mexican San Andreas wrapper cigar known for its chocolate and sweet cream flavors. This cigar is a dependable favorite from the Stolen Throne brand, perfect for those who enjoy a rich and indulgent smoke with a touch of sweetness.
Fotos De Puros’ Top 10 Favorite Cigars of 2024 offers a diverse selection of cigars catering to various tastes and preferences. Whether you prefer rich, full-bodied cigars or smooth, creamy options, this list has something for everyone. Each cigar on the list is celebrated for its craftsmanship, flavor profile, and overall smoking experience, making it a great resource for cigar enthusiasts looking to try something new in 2024.