“Cigars: The Masterclass” A Must See for Cigar Lovers

For over 7 years now Privada Cigar Club has been striving to bring the best cigars in the world to its members. However, enjoying the best cigars thoroughly can only happen if the smoker is thoroughly educated about the craft of cigar making. This at least is the approach that Privada Cigar Club founder, Brian Desind insists on taking with this passion project.

In the past Brian has taken several different approaches to educate his club members about all things cigars and tobacco, releasing numerous videos covering everything from seed varietals to growing regions. He has picked the brains of many masters of the industry to get the best possible answers for himself and his members. He has even gone so far as asking wildfire fighters about what makes different ashes burn with different colors. Most recently, and perhaps most impressively, Brian has put together a comprehensive series of informative videos titled, “Cigars: the Masterclass”.

So far, seven different episodes have been released with more to come in the near future. Each episode gives a brief yet thorough exploration into all the different elements and processes that go into the craft of cigar making. The topics include the ground water of the growing regions, the soil, the seeds, the harvest, curing, fermentation, and the pre-factory process. As per usual, the production quality is second to none, but more importantly the information divulged in each episode is painstakingly researched with a passion that few have demonstrated in the industry of late.

For any cigar lover this series is a must watch, as I truly believe as Brian Desind does that a more educated cigar smoker will make for a better smoking experience for the individual, and a better cigar industry for the world.


Links for all the available episodes are below, so don’t sleep on this series!

Cigars The Masterclass Ep 1, Water

Cigars The Masterclass Ep 2, Soil

Cigars The Masterclass Ep 3, Seeds

Cigars The Masterclass Ep 4, Harvest

Cigars The Masterclass Ep 5, Curing

Cigars The Masterclass Ep 5, Fermentation

Cigars The Masterclass Ep 7, Pre-Factory

Joe Kenney

I am a Certified Consumer Tobacconist, have enjoyed cigars for over 10 years, and I run the Jonose Cigars cigar review channel on YouTube. My primary goal is to spread cigar lifestyle to as many as possible while discovering as much as possible about the craft of cigars along the way.