Craft or Boutique: Understanding the Difference Between Craft Cigars and Boutique Cigars

When navigating the world of premium cigars, you often hear the terms “craft” and “boutique” tossed around. While they might sound similar, they represent two distinct approaches in cigar manufacturing. As someone deeply immersed in this industry, I want to break down the differences and shed light on what each term truly means.

Boutique Cigars: The Passion of Brand Owners

Boutique cigars are typically produced by brands whose owners don’t have direct ties to the actual cultivation or manufacturing processes. These owners may not own farms, nor do they operate their own factories. Often, these are individuals who are passionate about cigars and may have the financial means to create a brand. They partner with established manufacturers to bring their ideas to life, choosing from existing tobacco sources and working with blenders to achieve a specific flavor profile.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with boutique cigars. Many of these brands produce
phenomenal products and add excitement and diversity to the market. However, the key
distinction is that these brands rely heavily on external sources for everything from tobacco to blending and production. Their involvement is often limited to brand ownership, marketing, and distribution.

Craft Cigars: The Art of Vertical Integration

On the other hand, craft cigars represent a deeper level of involvement in the cigar-making process. Craft cigar companies tend to be vertically integrated, meaning they own or control various stages of the production chain. Many craft cigar brands operate their own factories and sometimes even own the farms where the tobacco is grown. The hallmark of a craft cigar is the focus on family-owned operations, where the tobacco is grown, fermented, blended, and rolled under one roof or closely connected networks.

At Privada Cigar Club, we emphasize working with these types of companies. In fact, we are so committed to this level of craftsmanship that we now only work with blenders who at the very least ferment their own tobacco, if not grow it themselves. This direct control over the entire process ensures a level of consistency, quality, and authenticity that is hard to match.

Craft cigars tell the story of the families and employees who have been dedicated to tobacco for generations. These cigars are shaped by the soil of the farms, the expertise of the blenders, and the hands of the factory workers who perfect the process. The entire production process, from seed to cigar, reflects a level of care and passion that can be felt in every puff.

Why We Focus on Craft Cigars

At Privada Cigar Club and the Limited Cigar Association, we have a clear preference for working with vertically integrated companies. To us, the word “craft” signifies not only quality but also authenticity, rooted in generations of tobacco-growing expertise. While boutique cigars have their place, we believe that the craft approach allows for a deeper connection to the essence of cigar making—one that honors the families, factories, and blenders who dedicate their lives to perfecting the art.

Some may feel that this leaves less room for brands that are not vertically integrated, but we believe it’s about highlighting the full story of the cigar. Every leaf has a journey, and in the craft world, that journey starts with the soil and ends in your hands. We believe that level of transparency and control creates a better product.

In conclusion, while both boutique and craft cigars offer unique experiences for enthusiasts, the distinction lies in how involved a brand is in the entire cigar-making process. Craft cigars represent a level of care and integration that boutique brands often cannot replicate, making them the gold standard for connoisseurs seeking something truly special.

Brian Desind

This is Brian, founder of Privada Cigar Club, founder of, and a dedicated contributor to the world of cigars.