Saint Espresso

Comprised of three distinct Cavendish variants, including Cornell & Diehl’s proprietary Carolina Red Virginia Cavendish, unsweetened One Sucker Black Cavendish from Kentucky, and gently sweetened Dominican cigar leaf Cavendish, each component is steamed and toasted enhancing the velvety smooth body and rich flavor of a fine espresso. Delivering a nuanced, tobacco forward flavor with notes of dark chocolate, cream, and toasted walnuts.

As this is a ribbon cut, it is easy to over pack or pack your pipe too tightly to hinder the draw. But in three simple steps you can load your pipe fairly successfully.
1st take a pinch and ball a bit up and drop it to the bottom of the chamber of your pipe, and let it open up inside.
2nd take a bit larger pinch and repeat by just dropping it in and letting the leaves unfurl and loosen.
(depending on the size or height of your pipes chamber, continue the process until you’ve reached about an ¼” below the rim)
Then take some loose bit and sprinkle them on top.
The tobacco when heated will expand some, which is when the draw may become too tight, so by allowing the tobacco to loosen itself up, you’re almost insured to have enough air flow.
NEXT… The charring light. Just draw the flame to the top of the bowl to light the loose bits and after they begin to take to the flame, lightly tamp the top while drawing in from the stem.
At this point you should have a reasonable smolder, and your second light of the tobacco while drawing in, will begin the enjoyment and pleasure of the pipe. And of this extraordinary blend.
After getting my first pipe at the age of 16, I’ve been enjoying the worlds offering of Pipes and Cigars for nearly 40 years. All that means is that there’s still more for me to explore, learn and enjoy. Born in Brooklyn and raised on Long Island I’m a New Yawker’ through and through, but also have a craving for the outdoors. So, whenever I have the opportunity, I can often be found wading a river or stream with a cigar or pipe in my mouth and hopefully a trout on the end of my line.
My humblest moment is when I was honored with the 2024 award as “Master of Pipes” by the CPCC. If there’s ever a question or comment with anything you’ve read by me, feel free to always reach out through my IG @JFurman631