Cigar Public Welcomes Contributor and Pipe Specialist, Jay Furman

Jay Furman

Now I’m not as old as to have been the last survivor of the S.S. Central America, but that would be pretty cool! Being primarily a pipe smoker for more decades than some of you readers, and almost as long with cigars…

I may have smoked a few things in my time.

What’s intrigued me more, over the last few years is the resurgence of cigar brands and their blending processes and flavor profiles being incorporated into some truly wonderful pipe tobaccos. From brands like, Warped and Toscano… And then there’s the pipe tobaccos that incorporate cigar leaf which brings a familiar boldness to the smoke by G.L. Pease as well as some of the incredible offerings by Cornell & Diehl’s head blender Jeremy Reeves.  And since I’m sure, you the reader (if you’re reading this) are more cigar oriented… How about artisanal cigars with pipe tobacco. Like Dunbarton and Durango.

Now I consider “smoking” to be a lifestyle… more than a hobby. What you smoke, how you smoke it, and the way pipe or cigar accessories can define you. This pipe and cigar community is a combined neighborhood, with lots of overlap. It’s also the only place a neuro surgeon and a janitor can sit and conversate equally about this lifestyle while never snubbing there nose up at each other. The pleasure of the smoke creates a common ground.

I know if you’ve never smoked a pipe before or have been steered the wrong way when you tried earlier it can seem a little more intimidating than just cutting the cap of a cigar and lighting it.  Well, I’m here to not tell you, but hopefully teach and ease that mindset and let you know it is as simple as loading your pipe and lighting it. And you can start to enjoy the whole process for less than the cost “1” premium cigar.

So, like me, if you enjoy cigars which is why you’re even here. I think you’ll enjoy pipes and the 1000’s of tobaccos to choose from as well. So, in future writings and ramblings I’ll go over the basics to begin and explain the different pipe tobaccos you can enjoy and perhaps a cigar that equates to a similar flavor profile. But for now, here’s just a short list of blends and brands I mentioned above.

G.L. Pease

Robusto, Key Largo


Habana Daydream, Purple Cow, Mad Fiddler Flake, Billy Budd Blonde


Cloud Hopper, Kings Stride



Allegro, Concerto, Sinfonia

Dunbarton Cigar & Trust

Stillwell Star

English, Navy, Bayou, Aromatic 1 & 2

Durango Cigars

The crooked nightcap, The English Porterhouse

 After getting my first pipe at the age of 16, I’ve been enjoying the worlds offering of Pipes and Cigars for nearly 40 years. All that means is that there’s still more for me to explore, learn and enjoy. Born in Brooklyn and raised on Long Island I’m a New Yawker’ through and through, but also have a craving for the outdoors. So, whenever I have the opportunity, I can often be found wading a river or stream with a cigar or pipe in my mouth and hopefully a trout on the end of my line.

My humblest moment is when I was honored with the 2024 award as “Master of Pipes” by the CPCC. If there’s ever a question or comment with anything you’ve read by me, feel free to always reach out through my IG @JFurman631