Asylum serves as the alter ego of C.L.E Cigar Company. Edgy packaging, uniquely large sizes combined with deeply bold and flavorful blends allows Master Blender Christian Eiroa to experiment with out-of-the-box ideas that break tradition.
C.L.E. Cigar Company, established by Christian Eiroa in 2012 is steeped in tradition, going back to the early 1960’s in Honduras. The Eiroa family is known for farming, blending, and manufacturing premium handmade cigars using innovative and forward-thinking methods. Christian Eiroa continues to honor his family legacy by creating unique award-winning blends using a mix of traditional and ever evolving technological methods. C.L.E. Cigar Company serves as the umbrella company for C.L.E. Cigars, Eiroa Cigars, and Asylum Cigars. For more information about C.L.E Cigar Company please visit: