The Cigar Smoker’s Zodiac Forecast – July 2024

Cigar Smokers Zodiac

Cigar Smokers Zodiac Forecast

Libra July 2024

While you’re typically more measured about taking big risks in tobacco varietals, your comfort zone is about to blast wide open. From lighting to cutting, it’s time to start doing things differently—and not care what anyone thinks. Don’t let that one guy at the lounge intimidate you from trying new things — he doesn’t know the difference between Instagram and a cocaine gram.

Virgo July 2024

Spend some time with your cigars, Virgo. You’ve been on an ambitious quest since May 20, however you’ve been neglecting your cigars. They may not say much, they may not show much emotion, but your cigars need your affection. Take your cigars out to the movies or a nice candlelight dinner to reignite that spark.

Leo July 2024

Keep calm…it’s almost Leo season. Until then, smoke a minimum of three cigars a day to cleanse your spirit. This annual pre-birthday cycle supports you in clearing away any tobacco beetles in your humidor. You may have some emotions to process, sleep to catch up on and puros to smoke.

Cancer July 2024

Conserve your cigars and smoke them wisely. You might still be adjusting to Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, lounging in a cigar bar. This marks your personal new year, a time to identify what you’d like to accomplish between now and your next birthday. Maybe it’s time to add a walk-in humidor in your walk in humidor?

Gemini July 2024

At last, a moment to spend time with your LE cigars, Gemini. There’s been a lot of change for you in the past week, and you could use a more measured puffing pace to prevent your cigars from burning hot. As July begins, parts of your cigars might look different than they did earlier this year — a little toothier, a little firmer, a little sexier.

Aries July 2024

Slow down and savor the petit vitolas, Aries. The first three weeks of July are perfect for resting your cigars as the Sun makes its annual trip through Cancer and your domestic fourth house until July 22. It’s a sensitive time that’s meant for habanos and honoring your palate. Make sure to clean your palate before enjoying your cigars (also your bathroom, it’s filthy).

Taurus July 2024

You’re in high spirits to start the month (and by high spirits I mean lots of booze and weed). After a hardworking June, reward your productivity by enjoying everything from Connecticut shade to San Andrés wrapper, from Cuban to Honduran cigars . Wherever you go, make an effort to connect with like-minded souls.

Scorpio July 2024

Your normally tight-lipped smoking style gives way to refreshing candor as the Sun makes its annual trip through Cancer and your outspoken ninth house until July 22. Craving a summer vacation or homesick for a tobacco factory visit? Go now, even if it’s just for a night or two. The Newman’s would be more than happy to offer you an inflatable bed at El Reloj.

Sagittarius July 2024

Time to hang the “f*ck around and find out” sign, Sagittarius. With the Sun in emo Cancer and your eighth house of intimacy and joint ventures until July 22, you’ve got planetary permission to silence your notifications and dive into maduros. Is there a nagging unanswered question about tobacco that you wish to uncover? Consult your tobacconist for answers.

Capricorn July 2024

For the rest of summer, watch out for the “I only smoke Cubans” syndrome. One of your original ideas could turn out to be highly profitable— no, not that idea of a baby bib with an ashtray attached. Follow your curiosity and talk to a heavy-hitting connection about where it might go.

Aquarius July 2024

Time to declutter your cigar accessories, Aquarius. You’ve got cosmic support in curbing the excess torch lighters you have collected over the years. If you’ve been trying to force and control a situation (to no avail), surrender and let the universe co-pilot, even if the universe is under the influence.

Pisces July 2024

July starts with an invitation to to smoke a cigar at any time, any place. At a baptism? *Light up! At a court house? *Light up! At an airplane terminal? *Light up! Your sign loves all things aquatic, so think about tubing down a river, cigar in hand, blowing clouds of smoke as you take in the aromas from the greatest artisanal product known to man.

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