Luciano Cigars and Dalay Zigarren have entered into an exclusive distribution partnership, bringing Dalay products to the United States through Luciano Cigars. The companies will kick off their collaboration by unveiling two new cigars at the upcoming Premium Cigar Association trade show in Las Vegas. The partnership between Luciano Cigars and Dalay Zigarren has been cultivated over a five-year period, with Dalay serving as the sole distributor of Luciano Cigars in Germany. Salih Dalay, the owner and founder of Dalay Zigarren, expressed his excitement about expanding the partnership and working with Luciano at the PCA trade show.
One of the highlights of the upcoming trade show will be the introduction of a unique cigar called Istanbul. This special cigar is a tribute to Salih Dalay’s Turkish heritage and his passion for tobacco. The Dalay Istanbul is the result of over a decade of development and features Turkish tobacco as part of its blend, known for its distinct flavor and aroma. The cigar is also distinguished by an original work of art on its ring, created by renowned Turkish artist Hasan Kale. Luciano Meirelles, CEO and Co-Founder of Luciano Cigars, expressed his honor and excitement about the collaboration and the opportunity to distribute this exceptional product.
In addition to the Dalay Istanbul, another addition to the Luciano Cigars portfolio is the Dalay Nicaragua. Blended by Luciano Meirelles, this new release showcases a variety of high-quality components from different regions of Nicaragua. The Dalay Nicaragua will be manufactured at the Luciano Cigars factory in Esteli and will be available in four different sizes. Michael Grossklos, CEO and Blender for Dalay Zigarren, praised Luciano’s blending skills and considered the Dalay Nicaragua a standout addition to their portfolio.
Apart from these new releases, Luciano Cigars and Dalay Zigarren have plans to introduce the full range of Dalay Zigarren’s classic lines to the US market later this year. These will include the Dalay Dominican Republic Hell & Dunkel and the Dalay Honduras Hell & Dunkel, both manufactured at the Zaubergberg Factory in the Dominican Republic. The Dalay Nicaragua will be produced at the Luciano Cigars Factory in Esteli, Nicaragua. Both the Istanbul and the Dalay Nicaragua are set to be shipped from the Luciano Cigars warehouse by the end of July. Luciano Cigars promises more announcements regarding new releases at the PCA trade show in the coming weeks.