Since launching in 2015, the short format Corto from Warped Cigars has become a popular go-to for cigar heads looking to enjoy a premium cigar without dedicating hours to the experience. Released in multiple sizes since its debut, Warped has just revealed the lineup’s new 4.75 x 52 vitola, the X52. “We have been asked for years when a new size would come out and we have finally decided to release what you have been asking for,” shared the brand. “So many flavors, so complex, so evolving,” the dispatch continues.
The core Corto blend consists of Nicaraguan Shade Grown Jalapa Corojo ‘99 wrapper leaf, binder leaf from Nicaragua, and a combination of Nicaragua Corojo ’99 & Criollo ‘98 filler tobaccos. Categorized by Warped as decidedly full bodied, previous expressions have offered notes of black pepper, dense wood, leather, chocolate, caramel, and molasses. Expected to be available next week at Warped retailers across the country, no pricing info for the new format has been shared.