Both crafted at the Luciano Cigars Factory in Estelí, Nicaragua, two highly anticipated cigars have just been released. The Foreign Affair from Luciano Cigars, and Wise Blood from ATL Cigar Co. were both launched at this year’s Total Product Expo and have been sent to tobacconists across the country. Expect to see them on shelves and on sites throughout the week.
The Foreign Affair is described by the brand as “an ode to the globalization of the cigar industry, and embodies the human connection that overcomes all boundaries in the shared space of experiencing a great cigar.” Featuring an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, this blend utilizes dual binders grown in Nicaragua and Ecuador. Filler tobaccos have been selected from three different countries – Nicaragua, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. Ranging from an MSRP of $9.50 to $12.50 depending on the vitola, the Foreign Affair is launching in 4 formats: Corona, Rothschild, Toro Extra, and Belicoso.
Penned by Flannery O’Connor, the novel Wise Blood explores powerful issues related to religion, to class, and race. Inspired what lay within its pages, and beyond them, ATL Cigar Co named their new blend accordingly – Wise Blood. An Ecuadorian Habano Rosado HVA wrapper surrounds an Ecuadorian Connecticut binder and fillers from Nicaragua. Ranging from an MSRP of $9.99 to $11.49 depending on the vitola, the Foreign Affair is launching in 4 formats: Lonsdale, Robusto, Robusto Extra, and Gordito.