An exercise in – and celebration of – collaboration, a brand new line of cigars will be soon be making its way into the hands of cigar loves across the world. Foreign Affair from Luciano Cigars is the result of decades of experience and an entire year of fine tuning. With a story as compelling as the cigar itself, this is a project certain to attract the attention of enthusiasts of every level.
Luciano Meirelles, Frank Cossio and Mike Dounoulis played to each others strengths while developing the Foreign Affair. Dounoulis serves as Luciano Cigars’ Regional Sales Manager and is the co-founder of Astorian Cigar Company along with Cossio. It was Cossio’s palate, Meierelles’ blending prowess, and Dounoulis’ creativity – the trio explains – that resulted in the final blend soon to be released. Wrapped in Ecuadorian Sumatra, the Foreign Affair features binder leaf from Nicaragua & Ecuador and filler tobaccos from Nicaragua, Costa Rica & the Dominican Republic.
Dounoulis sums the project up by sharing that “the idea was to convey the unique and transcendent connection we experience in the shared space of smoke, cigars, and people. This cigar to me is emblematic of the relationships and bonds we’re able to build in our industry.” Cossio adds that “it’s a cigar with a taste profile that contradicts itself. You find boldness alongside sweetness, and it’s so balanced you can fully enjoy it without becoming overwhelmed.” Launching in 4 formats, each will ship in 24 count boxes – Corona, Rothschild, Toro Extra, and Belicoso. MSRP will range from $9.50 to $12.50 as one moves up in vitola.
Luciano’s description of the Foreign Affair, in it’s entirety: “There is something extraordinarily magical that occurs in the shared space of smoke, cigars, and people. It’s as if barriers are bridged, and guards lowered. The experience goes beyond language, culture, gender, or any sense of otherness. Varied pathways lead to this common ground, a sacred ambience where we can connect and understand that no matter how foreign we may be to one another, the humanity in us overwhelms our perceptive differences. Those once strangers to one another are brought together, under the influence of a worldly cigar.”