Do you know any cigar head that wouldn’t love to own a genuine, factory used cigar mold? By the middle of November, Alec Bradley’s Reclaimed project will grant that wish for a small group of devoted enthusiasts. “These 800 cigar molds may have reached the end of their manufacturing process lifecycle, but their usefulness and novelty have yet to expire,” said second generation Cigar-maker, Bradley Rubin. ‘Repurposing them to house limited edition cigars is a fun way to bring a little piece of the factory to our customers and enhance the overall smoking experience,” he adds.
Traditionally, the branding of a cigar comes after a blend is finalized. With this project, the cigars were actually made to accommodate the packaging. Because these are actual molds pulled from active production of various lines and formats, the dimensions of each of the 800 molds differs from one to the next. Since the outer dimensions of the molds vary, the team at AB had to figure out one uniform amount of space that could be removed from each one. The result? Seven 6.25 x 54 Figurados, each an expression of the Black Market, Medalist, Prensado, Magic Toast, Maxx, Gatekeeper and Tempus blends.
“Reclaimed epitomizes the creative nature of Alec Bradley, the cigar culture and tobacciana,” said Alec Bradley Director of Sales & Marketing, Jonathan Lipson. “Each individually numbered Reclaimed factory-worn cigar mold is unique and the ultra-limited cigars enclosed are exclusive to the sampler. Reclaimed provides our brand advocates the opportunity to experience premium cigar history.”
Each of the limited cigars comes from their respective line’s original factory and the MSRP for each individually numbered set is $79.95.
Raices Cubanas: Prensado, Magic Toast, and Tempus.
Tobacos de Oriente: Black Market, Medalist, Maxx, and Gatekeeper.
Are you going to try to find one of these sets? Do you have a favorite Alec Bradley cigar? I can’t wait to hear about it in the comments below!