Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut / Binder & Filler: Nicaragua
Vitola: No. 5 Toro Grande / Size: 6 × 56
Factory: La Zona Factory / Country of Origin: Nicaragua



Black pepper and hay

Black pepper and hay

Creamy, orange skin and latte. Retouched with a lighter once

Coffee, crackers and tobacco

The reviewing process at Cigar Public ensures that each cigar is reviewed blindly. This cigar was sent without any bands and without any information about the cigar. Cigar Public does not attempt to influence or alter any scores given by any of our reviewers.

Hello, my name Gabriel. Currently I reside in California. Smoking cigars has been my hobby since 2020. I am enjoying the experience and all that I have come to learn about cigars and their process. I love sharing my knowledge about cigars with family and friends.