Decent ash, stacks up to about .75"... Fairly easy smoke with some sneaky strength. Would pair nicely with post breakfast morning coffee.

Wrapper: Cameroon / Binder: Honduran Corojo / Filler: Honduran Corojo
Vitola: Lonsdale / Size: 6 x 43
Factory: Fabrica de Puros Aladino / Country of Origin: Honduras

Worn leather. Hint of floral

Leather, apricot, hint of cocoa

Corn Flakes

Right off the bat I get a marijuana aftertaste on my palate. Light carbonation like bite on the retrohale with some nutty notes fighting through. Creamy smoke that is a bit numbing on the palate. Fairly complex with notes of graham cracker, nuts, cream, roast and bread all bouncing around with a slightly acidic finish.

Complexity begins to fade. Starts off with notes of sweet cream, cut off sharply by a rich, earthy spice and slightly resinous finish. End of third features light notes of ginger root beer ending with a funky cheese like palate (mouthfeel, not necessarily cheese flavor).

Mellow out. Hints of soda still there but lighter. Finishes more roasty with a light cafe roast finish on palate.

The reviewing process at Cigar Public ensures that each cigar is reviewed blindly. This cigar was sent without any bands and without any information about the cigar. Cigar Public does not attempt to influence or alter any scores given by any of our reviewers.

Todd Farrell
Creative Director/Graphic Designer at Root Down Brewing where he utilizes his palate to provide tasting notes for their beers. Also a top reviewer in Amazon’s Vine program where he is provided products for review. Watch, EDC, beer, whiskey, cigar and hip-hop connoisseur. He also practices a ketogenic diet.