When discussing the companies that have made the most positive impact on the cigar industry, J.C. Newman Cigar Company should always be part of the conversation.
As a company, it operates like a 127 year old startup. They are strategically focused and able to consistently assess the industry landscape and swiftly calibrate. Founded in 1895 by Julius Caeser Newman, J.C. Newman Cigar Company is the oldest family-owned premium cigar maker in America – and it would seem that they’ve always had a clear vision of which way to go next: always forward.
As people, it’s hard to find a more dedicated team. It has been exactly one month since you started allowing us at Cigar Public into your worlds, and since our launch on June 1st we’ve communicated with some of the most revered brands doing business today There are few teams as responsive, as nice and as excited about cigars as the women and men that represent J.C. Newman. They have curated a really refreshing culture throughout the company wherein the best ideas matter and where the hiring criteria is being the best person for the job.
If you were looking only at the work they do within their own walls, it would be impressive enough – but the impact that they’ve made on wider industry has been monumental. They don’t just advocate for their own products, but for the rights of everyone who makes and sells and buys cigars. Contrary to what you may think of a company their size that works with respected figures like the Fuente family, they are very enthusiastic about guiding others through the ins and outs of an ever evolving industry.
Reaching even beyond that, they created The Cigar Family Charitable Foundation, along with the Fuente family, which has built two schools, a medical clinic, sports facilities and organic farming area in the Dominican Republic.
Today, we join J.C. Newman in congratulating a group of team members who have enjoyed a combined 174 years with the company. We do so because we need more people like them in cigars:
- President Eric Newman is celebrating 50 Years at the company.
- Executive Vice President Bobby Newman is celebrating 48 Years.
- Vice President of Operations Rich Dolak is celebrating 25 years.
- Vice President and GM of El Reloj Aimee Cooks is celebrating 25 years.
- National Accounts Manager Harry Preston is celebrating 25 years.