Founders Cigar Company is a veteran owned cigar brand located in the northern suburbs of Minneapolis. Founders retails their cigars online and through other retail partnerships. At a time when the rest of the world was shut down, cigars served as a surprising catalyst for connection. Founders was created to empower others towards the same, drawing on the rich history of the American experience to deliver timeless smokes with distinctive profiles that fuel conversation, inspire friendship, and build community.
Founders has always made decisions as a company based on their primary goal of encouraging and building community. Their first four blends were selected to be medium-bodied and approachable to welcome even the newest of people into the cigar community.
One of the ways they have navigated through their blends is by talking to the factory about what the workers are excited about and what they are drawn to. This introduced them to the cigar that would become their Hamilton Candela.
After looking into the history of Candela cigars and seeing that they used to be one of the most popular blends in America, Founders knew that they wanted to add it to their lineup.
Alexander Hamilton has been one of our their requested historical figures to name a cigar after. Hamilton was the chief architect of the American financial and banking system. Given that interesting history, naming their green cigar after the man greatly influential for our “greenback” system seemed only fitting!
Founders shares that “we loved the smooth and approachable experience of this cigar. Getting floral and fruit notes to start and working its way into some peppermint in the second two-thirds made this a well-received blend to our initial testers.”
The Hamilton Candela will be available as a Toro 6×52 and Robusto 5X50 in 20 count boxes and 25 count bundles.
Rolled by MJ Frias in Tamboril, Dominican Republic, shipping starts July 25th for regular production.
Filler: Honduran Seco Piloto Cubano, Nica Jalapa Viso corojo, DR Seco Negrito
Binder: Ecuadorian Habano 2000
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Candela
MSRP: Toro $10/$200(box)/$250(bundle) Robusto $9/$180(box)/$225(bundle)